Friday 23 March 2018

pcb - Should you place traces at right angles through a via?

I understand that right angle pcb traces should be avoided because it can cause problems during manufacturing.

But what about right angle through a via? Will this have any negative effects?

I have a multi layer board and I don't have that much space. I have come across a point where the only place I can place a via is right next to the pad I want to connect to, and my trace is coming from directly above.


"because it can cause problems during manufacturing"

If right angle traces come loose you have to go to another PCB manufacturer. Quality PCBs don't have this problem anymore.

On HF boards right angles are avoided because of radiation they cause (reference, p.14). Otherwise the only reason seems to be aesthetical. You can safely part from your via on the other side of the board any direction you want.

If yours is an HF board, keep in mind that vias cause extra inductance and capacitance, and cause reflections because they change the characteristic impedance.

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