Thursday 10 December 2015

fpga - When is VHDL code considdered compile time


I am working with a lookup table which is generated in compile time.

Is this compile time code:

  • because sinus_table is a constant

  • or because any computation before begin is compile time.

Or maybe both?

ARCHITECTURE Behavioral OF set_output IS

-- Begin - Generate the lookup table

-- Elements per Signal
CONSTANT table_length : integer := 2**sinus_width;

IMPURE FUNCTION createSamples RETURN output_sinus IS
VARIABLE result : output_sinus(0 TO table_length - 1);
VARIABLE table_step : real := 2.0 * math_pi / real(table_length);
VARIABLE sinus_result : real;
FOR i IN 0 TO table_length - 1 LOOP
sinus_result := sin((real(i)) * table_step) / 2.0;

result(i) := std_logic_vector(to_signed(integer(sinus_result * real(table_length - 1)), sinus_width));
RETURN result;
END FUNCTION createSamples;

CONSTANT sinus_table : output_sinus := createSamples;

-- End - Generate the lookup table

-- Begin - Manage the address and return the sine wave


PS: Do you know of any literature that I can cite about this?

(Most of the literature that I found explains synthesis/elaboration)...

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