Friday, 17 August 2018

AVR - How to program an AVR chip in Linux

I recently got an AVRISmkII AVR programmer, and I have an ATtiny85 and ATmega328. I was wondering how I could program these chips (with the programmer) but when I try getting Atmel Studio 6 it is only for Windows. Is there a way I could use in Linux (Ubuntu specifically)? Ant suggestions? Thanks!


I don't have the time for a full explanation, but I can give you cookbook-style the commands I use on my Linux box to program AVRs:

  • On Ubuntu, make sure several required packages are installed: sudo apt-get install avr-libc avrdude binutils-avr gcc-avr srecord optionally throw in gdb-avr simulavr for debug and simulation.

  • I started to create a directory in which all my ATtiny projects find a home: mkdir ~/attiny: cd ~/attiny

  • For each project I create a dedicated subfolder (and I don't mind long names): mkdir waveShare4digit8segmentDisplay; cd waveShare4digit8segmentDisplay

  • Edit the source file with your favorite text editor: vi project.cpp

The commands below heavily rely on environment variables, to keep maintenance easy.

  • The base name of the files used/created: src=project

  • Common compiler flags: cflags="-g -DF_CPU=${avrFreq} -Wall -Os - Werror -Wextra"

The variables below may need to be changed depending on the exact programmer you use. Refer to the man pages for details.

  • baud=19200 The baudrate your programmer communicates at with the PC:

  • programmerDev=/dev/ttyUSB003 The device name where your programmer is located. Check dmesg output for details.

  • programmerType=avrisp This may be different for your exact programmer.

The variables below depend on the exact controller you want to program:

  • avrType=attiny2313 Check avrdude -c $programmerType for supported devices.

  • avrFreq=1000000 Check the controller's datasheet for default clock.

  • First step is to create an object file: avr-gcc ${cflags) -mmcu=${avrType) -Wa,-ahlmns=${src).lst -c -o ${src).o ${src).cpp

  • Second step is to create an ELF file: avr-gcc ${cflags) -mmcu=${avrType) -o ${src).elf ${src).o

  • Third step is to create an Intel Hex file, this is the file that is actually sent to the programmer: avr-objcopy -j .text -j .data -O ihex ${src).elf ${src).flash.hex

  • Final step is to program the device: avrdude -p${avrType} -c${programmerType} -P${programmerDev} -b${baud} -v -U flash:w:${src}.flash.hex

As an alternative to remembering the commands, I cooked up a makefile to my personal liking, you can save it under the name Makefile (mind the capital M). It works as follows:

  • make makefile Edit the makefile;

  • make edit Edit the source file;

  • make flash Program the device's flash memory;

  • make help List other commands.

Here is the makefile:


avrFreq=4000000 # 4MHz for accurate baudrate timing

cflags=-g -DF_CPU=$(avrFreq) -Wall -Os -Werror -Wextra

memoryTypes=calibration eeprom efuse flash fuse hfuse lfuse lock signature application apptable boot prodsig usersig

.PHONY: backup clean disassemble dumpelf edit eeprom elf flash fuses help hex makefile object program

@echo 'backup Read all known memory types from controller and write it into a file. Available memory types: $(memoryTypes)'
@echo 'clean Delete automatically created files.'
@echo 'disassemble Compile source code, then disassemble object file to mnemonics.'
@echo 'dumpelf Dump the contents of the .elf file. Useful for information purposes only.'
@echo 'edit Edit the .cpp source file.'
@echo 'eeprom Extract EEPROM data from .elf file and program the device with it.'
@echo 'elf Create $(src).elf'
@echo 'flash Program $(src).hex to controller flash memory.'
@echo 'fuses Extract FUSES data from .elf file and program the device with it.'

@echo 'help Show this text.'
@echo 'hex Create all hex files for flash, eeprom and fuses.'
@echo 'object Create $(src).o'
@echo 'program Do all programming to controller.'

vi $(src).cpp

vi Makefile

#all: object elf hex

rm $(src).elf $(src).eeprom.hex $(src).fuses.hex $(src).lfuse.hex $(src).hfuse.hex $(src).efuse.hex $(src).flash.hex $(src).o

avr-gcc $(cflags) -mmcu=$(avrType) -Wa,-ahlmns=$(src).lst -c -o $(src).o $(src).cpp

elf: object
avr-gcc $(cflags) -mmcu=$(avrType) -o $(src).elf $(src).o
chmod a-x $(src).elf 2>&1

hex: elf
avr-objcopy -j .text -j .data -O ihex $(src).elf $(src).flash.hex
avr-objcopy -j .eeprom --set-section-flags=.eeprom="alloc,load" --change-section-lma .eeprom=0 -O ihex $(src).elf $(src).eeprom.hex
avr-objcopy -j .fuse -O ihex $(src).elf $(src).fuses.hex --change-section-lma .fuse=0
srec_cat $(src).fuses.hex -Intel -crop 0x00 0x01 -offset 0x00 -O $(src).lfuse.hex -Intel
srec_cat $(src).fuses.hex -Intel -crop 0x01 0x02 -offset -0x01 -O $(src).hfuse.hex -Intel

srec_cat $(src).fuses.hex -Intel -crop 0x02 0x03 -offset -0x02 -O $(src).efuse.hex -Intel

disassemble: elf
avr-objdump -s -j .fuse $(src).elf
avr-objdump -C -d $(src).elf 2>&1

eeprom: hex
#avrdude -p$(avrType) -c$(programmerType) -P$(programmerDev) -b$(baud) -v -U eeprom:w:$(src).eeprom.hex

fuses: hex
avrdude -p$(avrType) -c$(programmerType) -P$(programmerDev) -b$(baud) -v -U lfuse:w:$(src).lfuse.hex
#avrdude -p$(avrType) -c$(programmerType) -P$(programmerDev) -b$(baud) -v -U hfuse:w:$(src).hfuse.hex
#avrdude -p$(avrType) -c$(programmerType) -P$(programmerDev) -b$(baud) -v -U efuse:w:$(src).efuse.hex

dumpelf: elf
avr-objdump -s -h $(src).elf

program: flash eeprom fuses

flash: hex
avrdude -p$(avrType) -c$(programmerType) -P$(programmerDev) -b$(baud) -v -U flash:w:$(src).flash.hex

@for memory in $(memoryTypes); do \
avrdude -p $(avrType) -c$(programmerType) -P$(programmerDev) -b$(baud) -v -U $$memory:r:./$(avrType).$$memory.hex:i; \

It may be seem necessary to run avrdude as root, if that happens it justifies a question in its own. It can be solved with udev but requires a bit specific information from how the programmer is recognized by the operating system.

Let me throw in an 'Hello World' that makes a controller pin 2 (PB3) (eg. ATtiny13, ATtiny45, ATtiny85) toggle at 1Hz. Attach an LED and series resistor to the pin and the LED should start to blink.



int main(void)

DDRB = 0x08;

while (1) {
PORTB = 0x00; _delay_ms(500);
PORTB = 0x08; _delay_ms(500);


  • make flash


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