Wednesday 26 April 2017

music - Polyphonic sounds from a microcontroller?

I can make monophonic sounds by toggling a single pin (at a varying rate) connected to a piezo buzzer.

How can I generate two mixed audio signals in software to create polyphony?

Here's the code I'm using to play a simple tune.

#define F_CPU 8000000UL // 8MHz

// number of timer0 overflows/sec
#define INT_PER_SEC 31250

// Frequencies (in Hz) of notes

#define F_FSH_4 370
#define F_A_4 440
#define F_B_4 494
#define F_E_4 330
#define F_CSH_5 554
#define F_D_5 587
#define F_FSH_5 740
#define F_CSH_4 277
#define F_GSH_4 415

// number of timer0 overflows for notes
#define REST -1 // special case
#define FSH_4 INT_PER_SEC/F_FSH_4
#define A_4 INT_PER_SEC/F_A_4
#define B_4 INT_PER_SEC/F_B_4
#define E_4 INT_PER_SEC/F_E_4
#define CSH_5 INT_PER_SEC/F_CSH_5
#define D_5 INT_PER_SEC/F_D_5
#define FSH_5 INT_PER_SEC/F_FSH_5
#define CSH_4 INT_PER_SEC/F_CSH_4

#define GSH_4 INT_PER_SEC/F_GSH_4

#define SEMIQUAVER_TIME 60 // ms
#define BREATH_TIME 20 // ms

volatile uint32_t intrs = 0;
volatile int32_t curNote = REST;

// TIMER0 overflow

if (curNote == REST)
intrs = 0;
if (intrs >= curNote)
PORTD ^= _BV(PD4);
intrs = 0;


void play(int32_t note, uint32_t len)
int i;
curNote = note;
for (i = 0; i< len; i++)

curNote = REST;

int main(void)
/* setup clock divider. Timer0 overflows on counting to 256.
* 8Mhz / 1 (CS0=1) = 8000000 increments/sec. Overflows every 256, so 31250
* overflow interrupts/sec */

TCCR0B |= _BV(CS00);

// enable overflow interrupts

// PD4 as output
DDRD = _BV(PD4);

TCNT0 = 0;
intrs = 0;

curNote = REST;

// enable interrupts

while (1)
// Axel F
play(FSH_4, 2);

play(REST, 2);
play(A_4, 3);
play(FSH_4, 2);
play(FSH_4, 1);
play(B_4, 2);
play(FSH_4, 2);
play(E_4, 2);
play(FSH_4, 2);
play(REST, 2);
play(CSH_5, 3);

play(FSH_4, 2);
play(FSH_4, 1);
play(D_5, 2);
play(CSH_5, 2);
play(A_4, 2);
play(FSH_4, 2);
play(CSH_5, 2);
play(FSH_5, 2);
play(FSH_4, 1);
play(E_4, 2);

play(E_4, 1);
play(CSH_4, 2);
play(GSH_4, 2);
play(FSH_4, 6);
play(REST, 12);

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