Friday 5 August 2016

Apply Thevenin Theorem to a circuit with 2 sources?


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

I have this circuit:

enter image description here

Sorry the current source got cut off when loading. It is 3 Amps. I was trying to apply thevenin's theorem to this circuit but I am confused on how to. Usually to apply Thevenin's you have a Vtest and two nodes that are open.

Can someone help me solve this?


To find the Thevenin equivalent resistance you need to turn off the independent current and voltage sources. A current source that has been turned off has 0A and is therefore an open circuit. A voltage source that has been turned off has 0V and is therefore a short circuit.

For this circuit, therefore, \$R_1 + R_2 = 20\Omega\$ is in parallel with \$R_3 = 5\Omega\$ (you can ignore \$I_1 = 0\$, and the lower ends of \$R_1\$ and \$R_3\$ are shorted since \$V_1 = 0\$).

\$(R_1 + R_2)||R_{3} = 20\Omega ||5\Omega = 4\Omega\$

This \$4\Omega\$ resistance is in series with \$R_5 = 1\Omega\$, giving \$5\Omega\$ resistance. This \$5\Omega\$ resistance is in parallel with \$R_4 = 10\Omega\$ so the Thevenin resistance across \$V_{o}\$ is \$5\Omega || 10\Omega\ = 3.33\Omega\$.

It's a similar procedure to find \$V_{TH}\$ except that the sources are left on. Combine the resistances where possible as I did for \$R_{TH}\$ to find the voltage at the node common to \$R_{2}\$, \$R_{3}\$, and \$R_{5}\$. Then \$R_{5}\$ and \$R_{4}\$ form a voltage divider which gives you the voltage \$V_{TH}\$ across \$R_{4}\$.

To calculate \$V_{TH}\$ use superposition: calculate \$V_{TH}\$ with the current source turned off (\$I_1 = 0\$), then calculate \$V_{TH}\$ with the voltage source turned off (\$V_1 = 0\$), and add the two results to find \$V_{TH}\$ as a result of both sources.

With \$I_1 = 0\$, \$R_1 + R_2\$ is in parallel with \$R_4+R_5\$. The voltage at the top node (call it \$V_{t1}\$) is calculated from a voltage divider formed by \$R_3\$ and \$(R_1 + R_2)||(R_4 + R_5)\$. Then looking back at the original circuit, you can calculate \$V_{TH1}\$ from the voltage divider of \$V_{t1}\$ formed by \$R_4\$ and \$R_5\$. \$V_{TH1}\$ is \$V_{TH}\$ due to \$V_1\$ only.

With \$V_1 = 0\$, \$R_4+R_5\$ is in parallel with \$R_3\$. \$(R_4+R_5)||R_3\$ is in series with \$R_2\$. \$((R_4+R_5)||R_3) + R_2\$ is in parallel with \$R_1\$ so use a current divider to find the current flowing into \$((R_4+R_5)||R_3) + R_2\$. This is the current flowing into \$R_2\$ in the original circuit, so use a current divider again to find the current flowing through \$R_3\$. This current multiplied by \$R_3\$ is \$V_{t2}\$, and you can calculate \$V_{TH2}\$ from the voltage divider of \$V_{t2}\$ formed by \$R_4\$ and \$R_5\$. \$V_{TH2}\$ is \$V_{TH}\$ due to \$I_1\$ only.

By superposition \$V_{TH} = V_{TH1} + V_{TH2}\$.

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