Thursday 11 August 2016

Is equivalent resistance always lower if we add a resistor to a passive electronic circuit?

How to prove that equivalent resistance of any passive network is always lower (or equal) if we add a resistor between arbitrary two nodes?

Note that this is not necessarily a parallel circuit, 2 nodes that we connect with a resistor are not the same 2 nodes between we want to measure equivalent resistance but completely arbitrary 2 nodes in passive network.

So imagine a circuit with 4 access points: A, B, C and D. We want to measure equivalent resistance between A and B. How can you prove that Rab will be less if we add a resistor between C and D?

I tried to search the web but didn't have any success.

To clarify, I am interested in equivalent DC resistance in an arbitrary network made of resistors only. How can we prove that the resistance Rab is not higher if we connect nodes C and D with any resistor?

tl;dr: 2 port network. Prove that connecting a load will reduce input resistance. In terms of z-parameters we need a prof that \$ Z_{12} \cdot Z_{21} > 0 \$.


To clarify, I am interested in equivalent DC resistance in an arbitrary network made of resistors only. How can we prove that the resistance Rab is not higher if we connect nodes C and D with any resistor?

I believe it is the case that to increase Rab, the added resistor must be in series with any of the other resistors thereby increasing the resistance of that branch.

But, this would create a new node in the circuit.

Since your problem requires that the resistor be placed across two existing nodes, this added resistance is in parallel with the equivalent resistance between those nodes thereby decreasing the resistance of that branch.

To see that the Rab must decrease, consider terminals A & B to be port 1 and terminals C & D to be port 2 of a two-port network.

Looking into port 1, the equivalent resistance is, in terms of the Z parameters:

\$ R_{ab} = z_{11} - \dfrac{z_{12}z_{21}}{z_{22}+R_L}\$

where \$R_L\$ is the resistance of the resistor to be connected across port 2 (here the impedances are all real and positive since this two-port is a network of resistors.)

Without the added resistor, \$R_{ab} = z_{11}\$ since \$R_L = \infty \$

For \$0 \leq R_L < \infty \$ , \$ R_{ab} < z_{11} \$

Actually this is not a complete prof as we don't know that z12 and z21 are >0. How can we derive that? We actually just need a prof that z21*z12 is greater or equal zero.

I quote from your problem statement: To clarify, I am interested in equivalent DC resistance in an arbitrary network made of resistors only.

Thus, we do know that all the impedance parameters, for a network of resistors only, are real and positive.

Even if all elements are resistors z12 can be real and negative! For example just change the direction of I2 and you will have new Z12 = - old Z12.

The following defines the Z parameters.

enter image description here

\$ \begin{bmatrix} V_1 \\ V_2 \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} z_{11} & z_{12} \\ z_{21} & z_{22} \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} I_1 \\ I_2 \end{bmatrix} \$

If you'll stop to think about this a bit, you should see that the Z parameters are real and positive for a resistor network.

For a worked example, see this.

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