Thursday 12 November 2015

pcb design - For Multiple ADC circuits PCB layout grounding, why is "single point ground" important?

I am reading this article from Maxim on mixed-signal circuits grounding:

Everything makes sense to me until I read the "Grounding Challenge of Multiple Mixed-Signal ICs". It shows the following diagram to indicate that the cut plane technique does not suit for the multiple mixed-signal ICs. enter image description here

They think splitting ground plane into analog plane and digital plane is bad for multiple mixed-signal ICs. The reason they gave is: there is no single point ground any more.

Why is single point ground important in this case?


The reason is quite simply that we are trying to make a 'moat' with a single bridge across it. With two cuts in the plane, the analogue returns currents from each device can get mixed together, introducing noise from one set of ADC inputs to the other. In addition, we have provided a circular route for the digital returns to go around the analogue side of the ADCs.

Digital noise from ADC2 could take a path behind it, as could digital noise from ADC1. Put a little curved trace around the analogue side of ADC2 from the two cuts; this is where some digital noise could flow.

I have actually had to fix a board that did precisely this, and the faults were subtle and induced a great deal of hair pulling.

To avoid the issue, do the following (works for relatively slow analogue, fast analogue have different segregation requirements - Note 2):

  1. Do not route digital power in the same area (on any layer) in the same area as the sensitive analogue signals. I have found that such power tends to re-radiate from other planes. Note 1.

  2. Ensure the primary power source is on the digital side of the board. This ensures that all returns paths move away from the analogue side.

  3. Do not take high speed tracks in the same area as the analogue circuitry (on any layer)

  4. Arrange the ADCs / DACs or whatever such that there is a single gap in the return planes. If you have differing speed analogue signals, put the fastest ones closest to the gap.

  5. If you are driving the analogue circuitry with a separate regulator, put the regulator such that is spans the split in the plane with the output and feedback (if used) on the analogue side. If using a ferrite (a very common practice), then the same placement rule applies.

  6. Do separate the power either through a ferrite or regulator.

Note 1. This is primarily due to the limitations of layout tools. If I could make the tool attach a via to only specific layers, I would, but this is very difficult with most existing toolsets.

Note 2. Use a separate moated area (each with its own local ground and ferrite / regulator) for each section with high speed analogue signals. See this excellent guide for some more details.

[Update] Added note on slot antenna

The two cuts in the plane can produce a slot antenna, where a great deal of the digital noise can accumulate, depending on the frequency content and the aperture sizes and distances.


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