Thursday 4 August 2016

flipflop - VHDL JK Flip-Flop with logic gates

I am trying to make a JK flip-flop in ActiveHDL environment. I want to make it with logic gates.

It should look like this:

enter image description here

This is my code:

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity nand3 is
A,B,C: in std_logic;
D: out std_logic
end entity;

architecture nand3 of nand3 is

D <= not(A and B and C);
end architecture;

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity nand2 is

A,B: in std_logic;
C: out std_logic
end entity;

architecture nand2 of nand2 is
C <= not (A and B);
end architecture;

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity JK is
J,K: in std_logic;
Q, NQ: out std_logic;
CLK: in std_logic

end entity;

architecture JK of JK is
component nand3
A,B,C: in std_logic;
D: out std_logic
end component;

component nand2
A,B: in std_logic;
C: out std_logic
end component;

signal s1, s2: std_logic;

C11: nand3 port map(NQ,J,CLK,S1);
C12: nand3 port map(Q,K,CLK,S2);
C21: nand2 port map(S1,NQ,Q);
C22: nand2 port map(S2,Q,NQ);
end architecture;

The problem is that i am getting this error when I compile JK.vhd file:

# Error: COMP96_0411: JK.vhd : (31, 22): Actual of mode "out" can not be assigned to formal "A" of mode "in"
# Error: COMP96_0411: JK.vhd : (32, 22): Actual of mode "out" can not be assigned to formal "A" of mode "in"

# Error: COMP96_0411: JK.vhd : (33, 25): Actual of mode "out" can not be assigned to formal "B" of mode "in"
# Error: COMP96_0411: JK.vhd : (34, 25): Actual of mode "out" can not be assigned to formal "B" of mode "in"

I think the problem is the backward signals.

Edit1 Improved JK.vhd file. It compiles, but it still does not work:

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity JK is
J,K: in std_logic;
Q, NQ: out std_logic;
CLK: in std_logic
end entity;

architecture JK of JK is

component nand3 port(
A,B,C: in std_logic;
D: out std_logic
end component;

component nand2 port(
A,B: in std_logic;
C: out std_logic

end component;

signal s1, s2: std_logic;

-- internal copies of output signals
-- initialize
signal Q_int: std_logic := '1';
signal NQ_int: std_logic := '0';


C11: nand3 port map(NQ_int,J,CLK,S1);
C12: nand3 port map(Q_int,K,CLK,S2);
C21: nand2 port map(S1,NQ_int,Q_int);
C22: nand2 port map(S2,Q_int,NQ_int);

-- Assign values to output ports
Q <= Q_int;
NQ <= NQ_int;
end architecture;

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