I was on it for a time. I'm planning to generate a signal containing square pulses from a smart phone's audio output. As I can get any shape of audio signal from smartphone's audio output, I want to encode digital data into audio signal with square pulses.(Surely pulses represent 1.)
I wrote an application and generated desired signal, everything is OK so far. But I measured peak value of pulses, it's approximately 20 mV. The problem is: this needs to be amplified to a couple volts such as 3 V so that digital devices can read the data properly.
One solution was using transistors, but I couldn't find any kind of transistor having such low threshold voltage.
Transformers also won't work because data is rare and very little part of the whole signal.
I couldn't come up with another solution. Please help me, what is the simplest way to get this?
EDIT: OpAmp's will help, I guess. Thank you
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