Monday, 20 January 2020

Verilog simulation error, "Module was already declared"

I am running iverilog simulator with a Verilog example of a uart design with testbench. When I run this command,

iverilog -o a.vvp uart_tb.v uart.v  

I get following error:

/uart.v:148: Module uart2 was already declared here: uart.v:1

uart.v code:

 module uart2 (
reset ,
txclk ,
ld_tx_data ,
tx_data ,
tx_enable ,
tx_out ,
tx_empty ,
rxclk ,

uld_rx_data ,
rx_data ,
rx_enable ,
rx_in ,
// Port declarations
input reset ;
input txclk ;
input ld_tx_data ;

input [7:0] tx_data ;
input tx_enable ;
output tx_out ;
output tx_empty ;
input rxclk ;
input uld_rx_data ;
output [7:0] rx_data ;
input rx_enable ;
input rx_in ;
output rx_empty ;

// Internal Variables
reg [7:0] tx_reg ;
reg tx_empty ;
reg tx_over_run ;
reg [3:0] tx_cnt ;
reg tx_out ;
reg [7:0] rx_reg ;
reg [7:0] rx_data ;
reg [3:0] rx_sample_cnt ;

reg [3:0] rx_cnt ;
reg rx_frame_err ;
reg rx_over_run ;
reg rx_empty ;
reg rx_d1 ;
reg rx_d2 ;
reg rx_busy ;

// UART RX Logic
always @ (posedge rxclk or posedge reset)

if (reset) begin
rx_reg <= 0;
rx_data <= 0;
rx_sample_cnt <= 0;
rx_cnt <= 0;
rx_frame_err <= 0;
rx_over_run <= 0;
rx_empty <= 1;
rx_d1 <= 1;
rx_d2 <= 1;

rx_busy <= 0;
end else begin
// Synchronize the asynch signal
rx_d1 <= rx_in;
rx_d2 <= rx_d1;
// Uload the rx data
if (uld_rx_data) begin
rx_data <= rx_reg;
rx_empty <= 1;

// Receive data only when rx is enabled
if (rx_enable) begin
// Check if just received start of frame
if (!rx_busy && !rx_d2) begin
rx_busy <= 1;
rx_sample_cnt <= 1;
rx_cnt <= 0;
// Start of frame detected, Proceed with rest of data
if (rx_busy) begin

rx_sample_cnt <= rx_sample_cnt + 1;
// Logic to sample at middle of data
if (rx_sample_cnt == 7) begin
if ((rx_d2 == 1) && (rx_cnt == 0)) begin
rx_busy <= 0;
end else begin
rx_cnt <= rx_cnt + 1;
// Start storing the rx data
if (rx_cnt > 0 && rx_cnt < 9) begin
rx_reg[rx_cnt - 1] <= rx_d2;

if (rx_cnt == 9) begin
rx_busy <= 0;
// Check if End of frame received correctly
if (rx_d2 == 0) begin
rx_frame_err <= 1;
end else begin
rx_empty <= 0;
rx_frame_err <= 0;
// Check if last rx data was not unloaded,

rx_over_run <= (rx_empty) ? 0 : 1;
if (!rx_enable) begin
rx_busy <= 0;


// UART TX Logic
always @ (posedge txclk or posedge reset)
if (reset) begin
tx_reg <= 0;
tx_empty <= 1;
tx_over_run <= 0;
tx_out <= 1;
tx_cnt <= 0;

end else begin
if (ld_tx_data) begin
if (!tx_empty) begin
tx_over_run <= 0;
end else begin
tx_reg <= tx_data;
tx_empty <= 0;
if (tx_enable && !tx_empty) begin

tx_cnt <= tx_cnt + 1;
if (tx_cnt == 0) begin
tx_out <= 0;
if (tx_cnt > 0 && tx_cnt < 9) begin
tx_out <= tx_reg[tx_cnt -1];
if (tx_cnt == 9) begin
tx_out <= 1;
tx_cnt <= 0;

tx_empty <= 1;
if (!tx_enable) begin
tx_cnt <= 0;


uart.tb code:

`include "uart.v"
module top();

wire reset ;
wire ld_tx_data ;
wire [7:0] tx_data ;
wire tx_enable ;
wire tx_out ;
wire tx_empty ;

wire uld_rx_data ;
wire [7:0] rx_data ;
wire rx_enable ;
wire rx_in ;
wire rx_empty ;
wire loopback ;
wire rx_tb_in ;
reg txclk ;
reg rxclk ;

uart_ports ports (
.reset (reset ),
.txclk (txclk ),
.ld_tx_data (ld_tx_data ),
.tx_data (tx_data ),
.tx_enable (tx_enable ),
.tx_out (tx_out ),
.tx_empty (tx_empty ),
.rxclk (rxclk ),
.uld_rx_data (uld_rx_data ),

.rx_data (rx_data ),
.rx_enable (rx_enable ),
.rx_in (rx_in ),
.rx_empty (rx_empty ),
.loopback (loopback )

uart_top tbtop(ports);

initial begin

txclk = 0;
rxclk = 0;
// Loopback control logic
assign rx_in = (loopback) ? tx_out : rx_tb_in;
// RX and TX Clock generation
always #1 rxclk = ~rxclk;
always #16 txclk = ~txclk;

// DUT Connected here
uart U (
.reset (reset),
.txclk (txclk),
.ld_tx_data (ld_tx_data),
.tx_data (tx_data),
.tx_enable (tx_enable),
.tx_out (tx_out),
.tx_empty (tx_empty),

.rxclk (rxclk),
.uld_rx_data (uld_rx_data),
.rx_data (rx_data),
.rx_enable (rx_enable),
.rx_in (rx_in),
.rx_empty (rx_empty)


I didn't find any bug in this code. I am still a beginner in Verilog and cannot debug further. The source code was taken from asic-world.

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