Monday 21 September 2015

power supply - SC2272-M4 Behaviour when using relay SRD-05VDC-SL-C 5V DC

I'm currently encountering a problem when using a relay switch with a 5v receiver. When using the same receiver with a row of LEDS it works flawlessly. I've noticed that the relay keeps making the switching noise over and over like I'm pressing the transmitter really fast apart from the fact I'm not. Also, when the transmitter is moved closer to the receiver from 20" to around 1" the problem stops. Below is some circuits to help show you my setup.

Any help appreciated thanks.

Setup Specs

  • USB 5v DC (2AMPS)

  • Receiver (XY-DJM-5V - SC2272-M4)

  • Relay (SRD-05VDC-SL-C 5V DC)

  • Transmitter (XY-04)

  • Diode (1N4001)

  • Transistor (2N2222A)

  • Resistor (1.8K Ohms)


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Antenna Signal Workaround or Booster

I believe this issue is related to wireless signal on D0. Basically above 20" inches the output to the relay drops from 5.05v to 0.5v and is obviously causing the problem. I think I need to boost the signal or replace the transistor with something that triggers at low and high current but have no clue. Any help appreciated, I'm new at this.

Board Setup




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