Thursday 20 February 2014

amplifier - eliminating those unwanted op amp[TIA] outputs

my problem statement:

i wanted to digitalize 10ns pulses from a photodiode which are in the range of current 100uA to 1mA (these were earlier much larger in range, dealt here, soon I have understood the gravity of the problem statement and changed them with suggestions by other members)

my circuit approach:

this may not achieve the full performance but still can satisfy requirements to a level


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab



TIA requires a current input pulse, so I have created a current source using a voltage generating pulse generator with series 1K resistor, so to generate a current input of 100uA, I have given an input of 100mV from generator

sorry I don't have a generator with sharp rise/fall times, I was feeding 12ns pulse with rise and fall time of 6ns

enter image description here

stage 1 opamp output (LTC6269) and corresponding LVDS output are shown, which have satisfied me initially, but below response is one i see frequently, some kind of repeating reflections or noise are seen close to the pulse

view 1 :

enter image description here

view 2 :

enter image description here

view 3 :

enter image description here

I have initially thought these may be noise, but as they are repeating I have not understood what exactly are they.

soon I have understood that these repetitive noises are present in the function generator output at low levels, but I don't know what caused this, did my 1K series resistor to TIA has caused these?

so I suspected my setup, now I tried to place the actual diode in place of the current source, which have shown no results at all, i have seen noise even with out any light source illuminated, which is undesired,so i removed the diode, when i power the circuit even with out input i get a output as below with a repetetion

enter image description here enter image description here

is it because of improper grounding ?? or any low frequnecy noise ??

please help me in finding the root cause of the problem


the power supply is generated on board, using below setup, the 12V comes from a regulated power supply, LTC6269 would require +/- 2.5 dual supply , so the below is modified by tweaking resistors, LTC6754 requires only +5V and OPA699 would require +/- 5V dual supply.

coming to probe i am using a 500Mhz 10Mohm probe with capacitance 11pF and in scope i have set ac coupling with 1Mohm impedance

enter image description here

i am clue less to find the source of the this periodic noise, primarily i suspected function generator but now i feel its there even no source is present, can an opmap generate such kind of noise ???


output of opamp and ground, both auto scaled show similar noise pattern(green is signal ground), may be due to non isolation of Analog signal ground and power supply ground ?

enter image description here

EDIT UPDATE3 : Results after addition of pi filters at dcdc outputs

with some suggestions of pi filters i have tried to create a CLC filter using components at my desk

L = 10uH and C being 4.7uF, 47uF, 0.1uF and 0.01uF(all 0603 SMD)

i did not get a 1nF but i was able to see noise suppressed to an extent, this set up is bare soldered and checked whether filter output is proper or not, i did not solder this on actual board, instead i took +/-5V from board and checked the filter output

With out CLC

enter image description here

enter image description here

After CLC

enter image description here

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