Saturday 8 October 2016

vhdl - Specify user constraints (UCF) for Xilinx Platform Studio custom peripheral

I've developed some IP using Xilinx ISE, and this required settings some multi-cycle path constraints in the UCF file:

NET "lowlat_result<0>" TPTHRU = "through_lowlat_result";
# ....
NET "clk" TNM_NET = clk;
TIMESPEC TS_clk = PERIOD "clk" 125 MHz HIGH 50%;
TIMESPEC TS_multipath_factll_result = FROM "FFS" THRU "through_lowlat_result" TO "FFS" TS_clk / 20;

I want to now utilize this VHDL code in a Xilinx Platform Studio (EDK 13.2) custom peripheral. There is no generated UCF file for the peripheral itself. Can I add one?

Or, do my constraints need to go in the main data/system.ucf file? I'm not sure of how the scoping works for net names in entities many layers deep.


I asked this question on the Xilinx Community Forums, where it was answered:

You can include the user constraints in the system.ucf available at $EDK_Project/data folder.


  1. Use EDK/XPS to generate bitstream (Hardware --> Generate Bitstream).

  2. Terminate the flow at ngdbuild(Step1 of snapshot)

  3. Launch constraints_editor to source system.ngd($EDK_Project/implementation folder) and system.ucf ($EDK_Project/data folder) [Step2 and Step3]

  4. Apply constraints based off this link.

enter image description here

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