Wednesday 26 October 2016

tools - What is a general set of components for a robotics hacker?

I am playing around with a few projects and looking at a few more online. I've had to make some trips to the local electronics shop for a few basic necessities like LEDs, resistors etc. It got me thinking about what would constitute a good set of basic and cheap components. Things that would be useful for random robotic/electronic projects. I have broken the set up into tools and components. I was hoping you guys can add/edit this and provide online links as well for future budding roboticists and electronic hobbyists. The primary requirement being cheap and versatile.

My List so far,

Soldering Iron
A PCB Holder stand for help with soldering
Bread board
Solder and Solder remover

Hobby resistor set (6 of each type for example)

L293 motor driver chips
555 Timer chips
Potentiometers (Pots)
Transistors <- (What type?)
Voltage Regulators <- (What type?)
Switches <- (What type?)
Relays <- (What type?)
Battery Holder case

Header for power supply wires
DC Motor(s)
Servo Motor(s)
PIC Microcontroller(s)

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