Friday 17 October 2014

uart - Serial Communication Rx ISR logic design

If im not wrong, an ISR is supposed to do minimal processing when it receives a data serially(via UART). Im planning on implementing such a protocol for communication between 2 systems via uart. This is a rough situation of how i plan on coding the ISR. Assume 2 system A & B where A is sending a message to B: Keyword is used to indicate start of message(Established-data/length cannot be the keyword). ChannelOK,Length of data,RxLength,RxData,Packet received flag in B's process are default 0.Length of data=no. of(all data)in bytes(ex:if all data=1,Length of data=1)

A's Process                               
Send Keyword
Send Length of data
Send all data

B's Process
Rx Interrupt
enter ISR
ISR: if(Received Byte == Keyword && !ChannelOK)
Set ChannelOK

if(ChannelOK && RxLength)

Set Length of data=received byte

if(Length of data != 0 && RxData)
Store Data
--Length of data
if(Length of data==0)

Set Packet received flag

Set RxLength

if(Length of data)
Set RxData
Reset to Interrupt Again

My doubt is: B has so many stuff to do in the ISR while A is sending continuously. Asumming A sends data at 7.5Mbps(11 bits per transfer), the ISR has to reset the interrupt ever (11/7.5M) seconds. This seems very very small. Will data be lost if i fail to reset the interrupt on time or will it be stored in the 16 byte FIFO so that an interrupt can be immediately triggered the second i reset the interrupt or must i slow down A Tx process by waiting for an ACK for each byte(slows down a lot)???

Im a newbie to ISR's.Please do help Any ISR designs or protocols for serial data communication would be useful



I will propose a method that you may find helpful with some modification to suit your needs.

In this method the ISR is so small , it only saves data in an array for later decoding in the main program , two counters are used to detect of received data and decoded data. offcourse you can use pointer instead of the counters.

Receivedbytes[i++]= Rxbuffer;


void UARTdecode{

if (dataDecoded {
Received byte = Receivedbytes[j++];
///// where routine
if(Received Byte == Keyword && !ChannelOK)
Set ChannelOK

//// end of routine

dataDecoded+=x; (where x is the amount of data decoded or message length)


P.S:It is VERY IMPORTANT that i and j are declared as Static variables

You can also check arduino hardware serial library source code , it is open source and it uses ISR to receive data "HardwareSerial.h" in the installation directory

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