Sunday 4 February 2018

battery operated - Options for getting 3.3v @ 220mA from small batteries

I have a system running at 3.3v requiring 70mA at most times and 220mA at peaks (roughly 20% of the time). I'd like to find a way to power this from coin cell batteries or other small portable source. Battery life needs to be about 1h but size should be as small as possible (which is why something like AA's won't work)

I see a couple ways of doing this:

  • Put several 4 button cell alkalines in series and use an LDO voltage regulator to get the voltage down to 3.3v

  • Use ~3 alkaline button cells in parallel and boost the voltage using TPS61200 (datasheet: Schematic similar to this:

  • Same as the previous one but with the batteries in series. The TPS61200 will regulate down to 3.3v when the batteries are full and boost to 3.3v in the end

  • Same as above but with a single cell LiPo battery. I'd like to stick to easy to find batteries though. Rechargeability is not important.

  • Use 3 AAA batteries in series with a voltage regulator (size is a bit of a concern..)

In terms of efficiency does it matter if i put 3 alkaline batteries in series or parallel (TPS61200 can work down to 0.3v with a 0.6v startup voltage)?

So far i tried using a CR2032 lithium battery with NCP1450A ( to boost it to 3.3v but the output voltage stays around 1.4v. It may be that something else is wrong in my circuit but from what i understand the battery can't provide enough current anyway (4mA continuous, 15mA peaks) so there's no point continuing that path?


Coin cells will not work well with your needs. While it varies by brand and size, most coin cells have low capacity, and an internal resistance that limits current output. A CR2032 has a nominal 250ma capacity (and that varies based on current load btw), and an internal resistance (Equivalent Series Resistance or ESR) of 18 to 30ohms, again based on current load). Depending on the speed of the current draw, you are going to get voltage drops, and quickly drain the coin cell. If you can get that much current out of it at a given time. 70mA is pushing it even for high quality CR2032, and 220mA is improbable, frankly, impossible. That is why your CR2032 boosted to 3.3v isn't working. The current draw of the regulator is causing the cell's voltage to drop.

That is, without having multiple in parallel (or using high capacity caps). That's the second part you asked. Batteries in series are a sum of the voltages, with the same amount of current. Batteries in parallel are a sum of the current capacities, with the same voltage.

As for your options, one or two AAA batteries with a boost converter would suit you better. It gives you relatively high capacity while still keeping space to a minimal. The TPS61200 you mention would work, if you can deal with a tiny (3x3mm leadless package. The TPS6107x family would do the same, same minimal components, in a sot6 package. You only need 1 battery for either of these. An AA gives 2400mAh nominal, an AAA gives 1200mAh nominal.

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