Tuesday 19 December 2017

software - How to avoid SD Card and W1500 SPI mixup on the Ethernet Shield?

In an answer Kevin Mark points to a solution/reason for the usage of the Ethernet shield together with the SD Card. The documentation says that SD Card and the Ethernet chip both share the SPI bus and that I have to set different pins on HIGH to tell the Ethernet shield to use the Ethernet OR the SD Card.

How would such a solution look like?

pinMode(4, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(4, HIGH);

// Now I can use the SD Card?

pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(10, HIGH);

// Now I can use the Ethernet (W5100)?

// Do I have to (re)set 4 to LOW?
// Any possibility to use both at the same time?
// Can I use the Ethernet/SD Card without the setting of pin 4 or 10?
// Why is this missing on the official code examples? Is it really necessary?

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